In the 16th and 17th centuries, English slang arose mostly in saloons and gambling halls, and was primarily employed by criminals. Slang began to appear in popular culture, such as plays and books, throughout time, and by the early 1920s, it had piqued the interest of popular writers.
After World War I, society developed new views about slang, and there was a need for slang in entertainment, the mass media, and literature. Slang is now ingrained in our culture, and individuals use it on a daily basis, even if they are unaware of it. With the internet now available to access, the widespread use of slang has increased significantly.
Internet slang has evolved from a medium of communication to a common language as society and the economy have progressed. The subtle influence of online slang has had an impact on people's communication behavior, language, and psychology. Language variety has resulted in the rise of online slang. Language variety is a key notion in sociolinguistics and a feature of language, implying that there are several ways to express the same idea. Differential pronunciation (accent), word choice (lexicon), morphology, and syntax are all examples of how speakers differ.
Nowadays, many slang words are found in various social media platforms and memes that are then transmitted to people all around the world. Some of these slangs are then modified, creating new variations of similar slangs that could mean an entirely different thing.