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The Anti Harassment Tool by Twitter

Writer's picture: Jasmine VillanuevaJasmine Villanueva

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

As part of the International Women’s Day celebration, Twitter released a tool specifically for journalists and public figures to deal with harassment. The tool, which is called ‘Harassment Manager’ is a web application that’s developed and designed by Jigsaw unit and Twitter hand-in-hand. This is created as according to the research done, nearly 3 out of 4 reporters have experienced harassment online around the world.

The application, however, as its main function designed for, is not available for everyone in public. Only certain reporters in certain Foundation/workplace can download/integrate it into their workspace. It requires some code to be integrated and used for re-evaluating tweets in Twitter. The Thomson Reuters Foundation will be the first one to use this application in June this year.

Worry not though, there’s still another application/feature specifically in Twitter that can be used for the public, the ‘Safety Mode’. This feature was released last September and was introduced to some users for testing (although now is available as beta mode in some English-speaking markets). The feature will temporarily block accounts for using potentially harmful or insulting remarks for seven days.

The feature can be turned on and off in each user account’s settings. Before each ‘Safety Mode’ period ends though, there’ll be a notification recapping the information to the users. As it’s still in beta mode too, the developers are still monitoring and maintaining the feature to ensure that the feature is accurate & improvements of detection are always done.



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