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Encrypted Connection: VPN

Have you ever felt threatened when using the internet? Have you ever felt as though your whereabouts were being revealed? Network security has become a serious concern in today's world. Especially now that almost everything is done online. Security and privacy risks are becoming increasingly complex, necessitating the use of a modernized secured media to preserve our sensitive data. The term "virtual private network (VPN)" refers to the ability to create a secure network connection while using public networks. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and hide your true identity online. Third parties will have a harder time tracking your online activity and stealing data as a result of this.

A VPN masks your IP address by allowing the network to route it through a VPN host's specially configured distant server. When you use a VPN to access the internet, the VPN server becomes the source of your data. This means that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and other third parties will be unable to see the websites you visit or the data you transmit and receive over the internet. Even if someone had your information, it would be worthless. A VPN connection hides your internet data transmission and protects it from prying eyes. Anyone with network access and a desire to see unencrypted data can do so. Hackers and cyber thieves are unable to decode this data if you are using a VPN. The following are the things that a good VPN does:

  • Encryption of your IP address

  • Encryption of protocols

  • Kill switch

  • Two-factor authentication

When you connect to the internet, your ISP normally sets up your connection. It uses your IP address to monitor you. Your network traffic is routed through the servers of your Internet service provider, who may track and display everything you do online. Although your Internet service provider may appear to be trustworthy, it may disclose your surfing history with advertising, the police or government, and/or other third parties. Cyber thieves can also target ISPs, compromising your personal and private information if they are hacked.

This is especially critical if you use public Wi-Fi networks frequently. You never know who is watching your online activities or what they could take from you, such as passwords, personal information, financial information, or even your complete identity. So, using a VPN is very important in protecting your privacy and securing your browsing data.


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