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Tentang Gendigital Academy

GenDigital Academy adalah organisasi advokasi literasi digital dengan siswa yang bersemangat dan tertarik untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada anak-anak kurang mampu untuk menemukan batas-batas teknologi di era digital ini.



Mendorong generasi muda Indonesia memasuki era digital.


Membangun masyarakat Indonesia yang berpengetahuan digital untuk setiap warganya pada tahun 2030
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Tujuan Kami

Generasi Alfa adalah salah satu generasi yang anggotanya harus mengenal teknologi sejak usia muda


Namun, banyak  anak-anak di Indonesia yang tidak memiliki hak istimewa dan tidak pernah memegang ponsel, melihat tablet, atau mencari di Internet.


Tujuan pertama kami adalah memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa kurang mampu (kelas 2 hingga 12) untuk menjadi lebih terpelajar dalam dunia digital, mempelajari coding dasar, dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis

Surat Dari Pendiri GenD

Hey everyone!


I’m Isaac, a kid from West Jakarta who started GenDigital Academy several years ago. Our journey started in November 2018 in a local academy for underserved children in West Jakarta, on a hot Saturday morning. As these fifteen grade school kids had little prior exposure to digital technologies, my friends and I lent our tablets and taught them the fundamentals of programming, opening their eyes to the digital world. Realizing that digital literacy was a pressing issue in the nation – especially with a deficit of 9 million digital talents ahead of Indonesia’s productive age – we knew we had to keep going. 


Five years later, we have taught more than 6000 students in different locations all over Southeast Asia, impacting underserved communities from Medan to NTT, West Borneo to Phnom Penh. We’re blessed to have achieved many milestones along the way, including breaking the Indonesian record for the most number of students taught at once and representing the nation in the most recent ASEAN Youth Summit through our work in digital inclusion. 


But the digital literacy journey is far from over. True to our name, we’ll relentlessly continue to raise generations upon generations of digital learners, whether it’s teaching young farmers with Sidomuncul or preparing career-shifting professionals with Tokopedia Academy. Our fire to equip the youth of Indonesia with necessary digital skills will never cease. 


Let’s build a future where equal access to technology is a reality for all of us, together!

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