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Keep Scrolling: Friday Forum

Keep scrolling. Feels familiar right? GenDigital Academy partners with Friday Forum to discuss a crucial aspect in all of our lives -- how social media's algorithms work and how they are affecting our lives.

On the 22nd of April, Gendigital Academy collaborated with The Friday Forum to organize a webinar that discusses social media algorithms and how they control what we see.We believe that social media algorithms could be seen everywhere, but aren't really talked about. And therefore this was a good chance to raise awareness. Algorithms are crucial to determining who sees the whole content structure on social media platforms since so many individuals and organizations use them. In order to give the marketing audience appropriate information and a smooth experience, algorithms make sure that all information is organized.

In this event, our guest speaker, Arinta Wirasto, delivered all the necessary information with her great expertise. It was definitely an insightful and successful webinar!

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