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Gen EduKasih: Anak Edukasih

A collab in which both organizations arrange four 1 hour sessions for SD and SMP/SMA students, discussing a diverse range of topics related to technology, namely coding and technology affecting our future.

GenDigital Academy and Anak Edukasih both believe that it is our duty to provide unprivileged children a chance to discover the frontiers of technology in this digital era. Hence we collaborated and created a program called GenEdukasih.

The main topic of GenEdukasih is technology and the internet. As most of the kids in our program (Primary to Junior College) are living in an orphanage, they do not have the privilege of owning a phone. Hence we focused on delivering crucial information to keep them up to speed with the revolving technologies.

They joined the sessions through the orphanage’s laptop. While staying in the orphanage may temporarily provide them safety from the dangerous digital world, they will, however, grow up one day and survive in the real world. Thus the importance of teaching them how to safely navigate the digital world. Our subtopics also include introduction to technology, Google Drive and apps (Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc.), digital etiquette and digital security.

These topics are taught over four sessions that span over August and September. The sessions run for around 60 minutes through Zoom. The sessions would end with a quiz session that utilizes Kahoot to review and also add the element of fun. Not to mention, there are icebreakers at the beginning of every session to instigate a fun session ahead.

Despite the challenges faced during the sessions, mainly internet connectivity, GenEdukasih strived to cover up the loss of time with a cheerful tone and an indefatigable spirit to deliver the information. Ultimately making the program fun, memorable, entertaining, and most importantly, educational.

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