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Courses With Tokopedia Academy

A partnership where GenDigital Academy creates videos accessible at Tokopedia Academy's official website. Our course aims to deliver a comprehensible introduction to coding and its applications.

From March to July 2021, GenDigital Academy partnered up with Tokopedia Academy, making a course on the basics of coding. Unlike what we’ve been doing previously, this course is targeted toward young adults or adults who are just getting started with coding. We made a total of five full-length videos, with the topics as follows: Introduction to Coding, Data Types + Data Structure + Operators, Conditional Statements + Loops, I/O Statements + Variables, Application of Coding. We did this through the process of first making an outline of the course; diving into tasks of researching, scripting, and filming; and finally editing the videos and posting them online.

Our course could be found on GDA’s YouTube and on Tokopedia Academy’s official website ( This was a learning experience for us, dealing with a different target audience, and making more polished, edited videos. Having said that, our reach to our audience, unfortunately, has not reached its full potential. In the future, we hope to reach more people through marketing it online or other methods. We could also improve the quality of our videos by learning how other educators online are making theirs. We hope to have more chances like this in the future to continue to improve ourselves and also to grow with other digital learners. 

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